Hello everyone,
In an effort to combat the spam that has littered our forums. The forums have been restricted so that only mods and agents can now post. We are disappointed that casual users are not able to create posts but this is the only option available to us in order to reduce the amount of spam on our forums. Going forward, if you wish to post a topic you must e-mail Superleagues with a detailed e-mail of the information you would like in the post. The users we feel most effected by this change will be the UFA players looking for teams. A detailed outline will be provided in the forums to follow and then be e-mailed into the league for post. At that time Team Captains and GM's will be able to browse the forums and contact players.
Click this link for the template http://support.superleagues.ca/entries/54494723-UFA-Template
We apologize for the inconvenience of this process. If you have any suggestions to help expedite this process please contact Superleagues.
Thank you for your patiences
Superleagues team
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